Sunday, November 21, 2010

Just for the halibut

I just watched the 2nd episode of Sarah Palin’s Alaska series. Okay, I’m impressed. That’s not too surprising, since I’ve always been a fan of hers. But I have been listening to the critiques that say she’s not qualified to be President of the United States, regardless of whether she can see Russia from her back yard or not.
So what does the series tell me about her that I didn’t already know? Other than she can shoot, fish and cook better than me?
Not much, I guess. Does a President actually need to know anything about catching, cleaning, and cooking halibut? Does he (she) really need to know about how a fishing boat makes a living? Or is an understanding of how to organize protests against ostensibly unfair working conditions a better qualification?
Gosh, that’s a tough one!

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