Saturday, December 02, 2006

A Prayer for Choice

Dear God,

You have shown me that

I am the sum of my choices

Past, present, and future.

Small or large,

Remembered or forgotten,

Glad or sad,

Forgiving or bitter,

Bold or fearful,

Cynical or trusting,

Noble or not,

To be friend or enemy

Or mere acquaintance;

These are decisions

I will have made

Ten times ten thousand times

Before I leave this life.

Please, Lord, remind

Me always that the choice

That matters most

Is Jesus Christ.

For only through Him

May the right choice

Be always clearly seen,

And my true sum entered

Into the Book of Life.


Saturday, October 14, 2006

Cliff Raymond's personal blog

Welcome to my personal blog. I created it just for the slight chance that anyone might be interested in what I think about various things like politics, poetry, books, movies, or whatever. Feel free to look around. I am very interested in any comments.