Friday, January 22, 2010

This just keeps getting better and better.  The London TimesOnline, referring to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report that won a Nobel prize in 2007, said today that at least five “glaring errors” have been found. 

The error that started it all was the one about the Himalyan glaciers melting by 2035.  Syed Hasnain, the Indian glaciologist who was erroneously quoted about the melting glaciers, said he first noticed the mistake in 2008. But he didn’t mention it because he wasn’t working for the IPCC at the time—even though his boss, Dr. Rajenda Pachauri, was the head of the panel.

“I was keeping quiet as I was working here. My job is not to point out mistakes.”

I wonder whose job it is?  Must be a union thing.


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